farkhunda malikzada video twitter

Farkhunda Malikzada video twitter leaked, 27-year-old woman who was publicly lynchedAn enraged mob unjustly accused 27-year-old Farkhunda Malikzada of burning the Quran, and as a result, she was brutally and mercilessly killed.

Her story stunned the globe and brought attention to the precarious position and injustice faced by Afghan women.Farkhunda studied Islamic law and hoped to see a restoration to traditional customs.

She went to the Sha-e Doh Shamshirar mosque, one of the ancient sites of Kabul, on March 19, 2015, to deliver a sermon opposing the superstitious practice of selling amulets.

One of the shrine guardians, who felt threatened by her criticism, began shouting that she was an infidel who had burned the Koran. Within minutes, a mob of men formed and surrounded her and brutally beat her.Ella Farkhunda was dragged through the streets, stoned, run over by a car, burned and thrown into the Kabul River.

Nobody defended her or helped her. Her murder was recorded by several witnesses with their mobile phones and spread on social networks. The images showed the cruelty and barbarity of her attackers, who acted with total impunity.

Later, it was proven that Farkhunda had not burned the Quran, but rather that she had been the victim of a false accusation. Her family, who described her as an intelligent, devout and brave woman, demanded justice.

Her funeral was a show of rejection and pain, and her coffin was carried by women, breaking Afghan tradition.