Kaylee Gain fight video. Girl injured in viral high school fight

The girl critically injured in a fight seen by millions of people online remains in the hospital with traumatic brain injuries, her family confirmed.

The girl, who family members identified as 16-year-old Kaylee Gain, remains in the hospital with brain bleeding and swelling, according to two GoFundMe pages started to help the family with medical costs. She remains in critical condition.

Missouri teen Kaylee Gain fight video | kaylee hazelwood high school gofundme The girl critically injured in a fight seen by millions of people online remains in the hospital with traumatic brain injuries, her family confirmed.

The girl, who family members identified as 16-year-old Kaylee Gain, remains in the hospital with brain bleeding and swelling, according to two GoFundMe pages started to help the family with medical costs. She remains in critical condition.